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Seafood Tarako Cream

Ingredients < 2 servings>

● OUCHI-PASTA・・・4tablespoons
● Spaghetti (dried noodles)・・・200g
● Olive oil・・・2 tablespoons
●  Seafood mix・・・120g
● Salt and pepper・・・to taste
● Milk・・・140ml
● Chopped seaweed・・・to taste


① Boil the spaghetti in salted boiling water. (1/2 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) ②Heat the olive oil in a frying pan, add the seafood mix, fry over medium heat, and season with salt and pepper. Add milk and OUCHI-PASTA and bring to a boil.
③ Add ❶ and mix well.Arrange on a plate and top with chopped nori to finish.

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