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Fried Shrimp with Sesame and Mayonnaise
This Crispy Prawns with Sesame and Mayonnaise dish is quick & easy to make and tasty!
You can recreate that famous restaurant dish at home!
● Dressing ・・・4 tablespoons
● Shrimp・・・500g ,
peeled and deveined, leave the tail intact
● Salt, pepper corn starch・・・to taste
● Oil for deep frying
● Mayonnaise sauce・・・2 tablespoons
①Prepare vegetables as a side dish.
②Lightly season shrimp with salt and pepper, then roll in cornstarch.
Deep fry until the shrimp is a light golden color (about 2 minutes). Drain the oil from the fried shrimp on a paper towel.
③Mix dressing and mayonnaise sauce together. Lightly toss the fried shrimps with sauce.
④Place ❶ in a plate and add ❸.
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