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〜Noodle Dishes from Around the World〜
Chinese Dan Dan Noodles

A tasty recipe for  Chinese Noodles! This homemade Dandan noodles had excellent, well-balanced flavor with  "PIETRO DRESSING". The one you will make over and over again, any night of the week, just by using this.

This dishware are the contrast between the slipware decoration on the outside with hand-carved one by one and the rich glaze. You will want to pick it up and use it every day.
This bowl dishware  is easy to use and good for soup noodle dishes. 


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Dan Dan Noodles Recipe

(Seasoned minced meat)
● Sesame oil・・・10cc
● Ginger・・・5g
● Garlic・・・3g
● Minced pork・・・100g
● Water・・・60cc
● Pietro Dressing Roasted Sesame・・・30cc
● Spicy sauce・・・2.5cc

(Soy milk soup)
● Water: 500cc ・Center part of Scallion: appropriate amount
● Chicken broth (granules)・・・13g
● Pietro Dressing Roasted Sesame・・・60cc ・Spicy Sauce・・・5cc
● Soymilk (unadjusted)・・・130cc
【Seasoned minced meat】
① Chop ginger and garlic.
②Add sesame oil and ❶ in a frying pan and heat over medium heat.
③ Lightly browned, stir-fry while loosening.
④ Add water, dressing, and spicy sauce with low heat, and simmer. Refrigerate that.

① Cut the scallion into strips.
②In a pot, add the water, the contents of the white-haired green onion, the ginger peel, and the chicken broth, and heat over medium heat.
③ Once boiling, turn off the heat, add the dressing, spicy sauce, and soy milk, and heat over medium heat while stirring.
④ Stop the fire just before boiling and cool quickly.

●Soy milk soup (separate sheet)・・・660cc
●Chinese noodles ・2 servings (130g x 2)

[Serving ingredients]
● Flavored ground meat(separate sheet) 100g (50g x 2)
●Bok Choy・・・1 stick (1/4 stick x 4)
●Scallion・・・appropriate amount
●Spicy sauce・・・appropriate amount

①Lightly warm the seasoned minced meat for the serving utensils.
Finely chop the white onion.
② Slowly heat up the soy milk soup until the soup almost boils.
③ Boil Chinese noodles in another pot.
④ Blanch the bok choi in boiling water for 1-2 minutes until tender.
⑤Divide the soup between two bowls followed by the noodles, bok choi, ground meat, scallion and add spicy sauce. Serve straight away.


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■Oumei Kamamoto kiln
▶ Click here for the website of Oumei Kamamoto kiln


Sesame dressing with wonderfully rich aroma and umami, complete with grainy feel. We brought out the best of sesame in an exquisite balance of flavor. 
■PIETRO CHEF'S Spicy Sauce
By adding kelp tea it highlights the spiciness of the chili pepper sauce.

To be continued

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